There are several ways you can save money and attain financial health. The first and most important way is to stick to a budget. Plan out your finances in advance for the next month, or even half-year if you are that savvy.

The second method is being smart about where you shop. Buying certain items in bulk will save money over time, but sometimes it’s just not worth the savings. You’re better off buying a few things and paying more for them. Take into account trade-offs like how much fuel it takes to drive there or if you must pay shipping fees.

The third way is using coupons and sales as cash flow boosters, but don’t overdo it. This is obviously most effective when combined with the first method.

Fourth, set up automatic deposits into your savings account. It works as a great way to build up emergency cash in case of job loss or other financial emergencies. The last method is the most expensive but it’s good for building wealth over time so you can get rich slowly. View full article »